Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Burgos rest day (Sep 15, Day 16)

We had not previously thougbt too much about Burgos apart from the possibility of having our backpack snatched by a kid as in the movie "The Way". The first impression of the city as we got off the bus was immediately favourable. The streets were neat, wide and the tree-limed wide pedestrian mall along the river most inviting. The lanes in the old town linked a series of plazas where in the after-siesta hours the residents gathered in large numbers. No better city to spend an extra day for rest.

The massive cathedral of Burgos magnificient from the outisde was also a beautifully maintained museum of the royal and religious powers in the history of the city. It was more a museum than a place of worsbip that led some to comment rather disparagingly. To us with limited interests in its religious or historical significance, it was simply most pleasing to the eye inside and outside.

While there were no backpack snatchers we did run into an ATM glitch when our  cash withdrawal trasaction went through but no cash appeared. We  had to make a couple of calls and were promised that our account would be corrected in a few days, our fingers were crossed.

Our day at Burgos was a Saturday and it was good that siesta was not so strictly adhered to by people who were NOT working. The shops stayed open for them and us, and the plazas were full of life. We enjoyed a good al fresco lunch of pasta (grab it while we could, as every small town bar has nothing much beyond basic Castillian cuisime of spanish ham, tortilla and bread).

We stocked up on medical supplies, caught up on the internet and then enjoyed the luxury of our four-star hotel !

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