Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Rabe, a¨"quiet" small town (Sep 17, Day 18)

At Burgos we failed to find any medical centre that was willing to open on a saturday to take another look at K´s blisters but fortunately they looked well enough in our non-expert eyes and we felt confident to push on early on Sunday morning before first light. (I´m sure the hospital is open but after the previous experience at Logrono we decided to give it a miss and depend on the private ones).

Underutilised freeway?

We found our way out of  Burgos passed the university of Burgos but there was no sign of the city gate that was included in the Emilio Estavez movie {"The Way"}. The route led us in a circuitous path around a new freeway system, one that was so new that there were virtually no cars on it. Sign post distances were again questionable but we eventually reached the morning  coffee stop at Tarhajos.

We chose to stay the night at an albergue in the tiny village of Rabe expecting to be practically the only ones there especially when it was only 13 km from Burgos and we arrived there before lunch but we were in for a surprise - there was a queue outzide. The albergue was managed by an efficient manageress who seemed to be the owner.  We ended up in a communal room of six persons, one of whom coughing vigorously much to our concern.

Rabe was not so quiet. We were lucky or unlucky to be there for their one-day-of-the-year festival. At lunch time the local dancing guild performed traditional Spanish dancers in costumes in the village square, right outside the albergue. Later singers performed more modern songs on stage. With the large speakers right outside our window, I was lucky to have brought along ear plugs and enjoyed a good night's sleep. Still it was good to be in the right place at the right time.

Street dancing at Rabe.

As usual, the village pub did not serve hot food even though there was a large post-church crowd and a special vintage car show (3 cars including a Cardillac), but it was good to be able to meet up with other pilgrims when we were just having coffee. There was an interesting Canadian man from Quebec and later, surprise surprise, we found an Aussie couple from Canberra working for the foreign service in Madrid.

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